Vu Vu Vu Vu * H e a r * S t a t i c * N O W * Vu Vu Vu Vu

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This is the our old site, stop by our new joint at the Static Channel !!!


Adrift in the wasteland of inter-galactic space there is little existent other then a few hydrogen atoms and the nascent rumble of the big bang manifesting itself in the form of static...

* H e a r * S t a t i c * N O W *


However... after a timeless eternity adrift in the void a malignant consciousness has arisen from these few simple building blocks...

Carbon º Hydrogen º Oxygen º Nitrogen ° Red Acid

it is only known as...


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Copyright (c) 1996 Static/Cooksey/Calonje

All music (c) 1994-2001 Static, commercial usage is prohibited without express written authorization.

Non-commercial use is encouraged, grab it all, give it to your friends, put it on Napster... Bon Temps!!!!

Burn Hollywood Burn!!!


Pssst! Don't take this link...

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